Hole/ Paint/ Rubble/
Fondation Berthe de Boissieux/ Grenoble/ 2004/

The image on the opposite page is the work of four guénettes : Julien Valentin, Hugo Exbrayat Tony Delattre and myself. Friday, March 26, 2004, these four rascals decide to miss a trip to Basel to see some Bacon, to do something that tickle them for a long time. Peers and teaching staff without ambition, chaperoned by a castrating and careerist director formed an explosive cocktail, that they just have to shake.

However our escape attempt failed. After 48 hours hitting with an ax in a decidedly dull school, we come across a between-wall. On one side the old facade of the building, on the other side one impeccable cinderblocks wall. And we already hasten to prepare everything because tomorrow is the day while people will find out our fabulous discovery.

We get the reaction that we expected. We unconsciously offered the most terrible birthday gift to our dear director (born in April I ). We only heard his screams. He did not want to see us for three days. From anonymous guénettes (the school is nevertheless small), we became the people to avoid.Then he tried to fire us.

Meanwhile, the second year classroom, has never seen such a parade of alumni, students, personal. Everyone supports us. Thank you, thank you twice, but the message is also adressed to you.

To a certain kind of people that we called the «mouille-culs» (wet-asses). Later, we discover that this infamous race has invaded France. It is manifested by the insurance agents, the bureaucracy, the «Sorry but you know with all what’s happening today, I can not take the risk. And if I say yes to you. I would then say yes to everyone», the disengagement.

The story finally have a happy ending, if we repair the wall, we are not fired. «Of course Sir Headmaster», we announced with a smouth and sweet voice.

Definitly, we abandonned the mention «2004 : Kicked out from the Grenoble School of Fine Arts» on our biographies. After which, we learned masonry.

But still, what a marvellous baptism. Baoum will appear in Fine Arts Magazine, will be supported by Claude Lévêque, visiting the school in the same time...

... a fragrance of glory.

Already a year that this has happened, and nothing has changed in the school. Only four guénettes strive to do what they love. Laughing greedily from their pedestal looking down this plebs struggling in its cocoa.