The Ideal École du Baoum*

Baoum considers man as an eternal novice. Having observed many specimens abandoned their intelligence at the end of their education, the Baoum holding company decided to enrich everyone in perpetuity.

The pilot school will work in 2007, will be located in the countryside, for life quality and isolation reasons.

This school will have multiple practice locations. There will be a garden, a garage, a chemistry lab, a stable, a forest, a theater, a nightclub, an armory, a library, a boudoir, attics, a cellar, life spaces ...

As in the Bauhaus school, the student will spend most of his time in it. Balls and other celebrations will be exercises as the rest of the activities. There is no culture or two cultures. Every knowledge deserve to be retransmitted. Architecture is as good to learn as the recipe of the mayonnaise. The art of living can be learn by working on it.

Many teachers-students will take part in the life of the school. For example the village butcher could give bone lessons and take a course about molecular physics.

It will also have a most subversive branch, in which rethorics courses will be given, in order to speak in public anywhere, anytime. Our young chemists will be able to produce explosives and other weapons in a kitchen. Self-defense and decryption techniques will be taught to be able to act effectively in case of disturbances.